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LUDC ECN student grant

The LUDC Early Career Network (previously DPLU) awards PhD student grants to ambitious doctoral students with promising projects. Grant recipients are announced at the annual LUDC Diabetes Research Day. An important aim of the student grant is to encourage doctoral students to come up with new research ideas and to train their grant application and research proposal skills.

LUDC Early Career Network awards a grant of 40,000 SEK every year to a doctoral student affiliated with LUDC. The winner will receive the award during the LUDC Diabetes Research Day 2025, which will take place on February 11. As part of the award, the student will have the opportunity to present their award-winning project.

Information about the grant

The grant is primarily intended for the purchase of materials directly connected to the student’s own project, but it may also be used for travelling costs to visit a laboratory outside Lund University to establish collaborative research or to learn new methodology. The grant cannot be used to fund conference travels. Each student may be awarded two grants during the duration of their PhD studies.


Applications should be sent via e-mail to Ulrika Blom-Nilsson (ulrika [dot] blom-nilsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se) no later than 23.59 on January 7 2025 (extended deadline) and should include:

  1. Completed grant application form (in English)
  2. Research programme (maximum three pages)
  3. CV (max two pages), including publications

The research programme should be maximum 3 pages, including any figures but excluding references. It should be written in English in Times new roman size 12 with 2,5 cm margins. The following sections should be included:

- Aim(s)
- Background (keep this brief)
- Preliminary data
- Methods and study design (this section should be the main focus, and should ideally include a description of alternative strategies)
- Scientific novelty and relevance for diabetes
- References (not counted towards the page limit)

Assessment process

Proposals will be assessed by a committee consisting of Isabella Artner, João Duarte, Andreas Edsfeldt, Rashmi Prasad, and Nils Wierup. The decision will be based on the quality of the application and the novelty of the project. Applications that have not been completed according to the above instruction will not be considered.



Ulrika Blom-Nilsson
ulrika [dot] blom-nilsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
+46 40 39 12 01
+46 07 680 399 72