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The LUDC Early Career Network

The LUDC Early Career Network (LUDC ECN) is an academic network at Lund University Diabetes Centre (LUDC). The network organises events, awards grants, and works as a central hub for young scientists and students at LUDC.

Photograph of early career researchers at a lecture.
The academic network works as a central hub for young scientist, postdoctoral students and students at LUDC.

The academic network works as a central hub for young scientist, postdoctoral fellows and students at LUDC. The academic network (formerly called DPLU) was formed in 2002 and, since its conception, it has been fundamental in organising and strengthening diabetes research at Lund University. LUDC provides the majority of the funding for the network’s activities.

It is especially important to meet and network with other researchers at the early stages of your career as a PhD student and diabetes scientist. The LUDC Early Career Network gives you the opportunity to do this and much more. Within this network you can present your research, get feedback and advice on your studies, apply for grants, and get help to plan your career path. 

When you join LUDC as a student or young scientist, you automatically become a member of LUDC ECN. You are added to the mailing list and will be notified about all our upcoming events, calls for funding, and other relevant information for early career researchers and students. 

How to get involved

The LUDC Early Career Network is always interested in extending the network. If you would like to be involved in organising events and other activities you are welcome to join, either as part of the main steering board or as part of the early career research network. Representatives from the network also attend LUDC governing board meetings to update the board on the network’s activities and to feed relevant information back to the network. 

Please contact Karl Bacos if you would like to be a part of the steering group. If you would like to contribute to our activities, please send an email to Sabrina Ruhrmann or Leonie Mieke Engelhardt. 

The main steering board

The main steering board is responsible for organising the Diabetes Research Day and the Postgraduate Course in Diabetology, and for awarding the PhD student grant. 

Board members

  • Karl Bacos, chair 
  • Peter Spégel
  • Karin Filipsson 
  • Ben King 

LUDC Early Career Network committee

The LUDC Early Career Network committee is responsible for the half day seminars, the Methodology Day, the LUDC Early Career Network Day, social events, promotion of the LUDC mentors, and for organising other relevant activities. 

  • Sabrina Ruhrmann, chair postdoctoral fellows
  • Leonie Mieke Engelhardt, chair PhD students


Karl Bacos, chair of the LUDC ECN main steering board
karl [dot] bacos [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (karl[dot]bacos[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Sabrina Ruhrmann, postdoctoral fellow, chair of the LUDC ECN committee
sabrina [dot] ruhrmann [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (sabrina[dot]ruhrmann[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)

Leonie Mieke Engelhardt, PhD student, chair of the LUDC ECN committee
leonie_mieke [dot] engelhard [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se